Nanaimo Avenue Bridge

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Nanaimo Avenue Bridge has been identified as a potential flood risk. The bridge, at Nanaimo Avenue East and Van Horne Street, is also nearing the end of its lifespan. Not only will this work prevent flooding and protect nearby properties, but proactive repairs aim to restore the creek’s health and habitat.

As part of the plan, the City will be considering options to restore and naturalize the area (more about the ongoing Penticton Creek restoration project on the City's website).

Feedback is now closed and a summary of the findings and complete results are posted. City staff will review the feedback to determine further action is required. All updates will be posted to this page.

Nanaimo Avenue Bridge has been identified as a potential flood risk. The bridge, at Nanaimo Avenue East and Van Horne Street, is also nearing the end of its lifespan. Not only will this work prevent flooding and protect nearby properties, but proactive repairs aim to restore the creek’s health and habitat.

As part of the plan, the City will be considering options to restore and naturalize the area (more about the ongoing Penticton Creek restoration project on the City's website).

Feedback is now closed and a summary of the findings and complete results are posted. City staff will review the feedback to determine further action is required. All updates will be posted to this page.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Nanaimo Avenue Bridge has been identified as a potential flood risk. The bridge, which is nearing the end of its lifespan, must be removed to proceed with flood prevention measures. Not only will this work prevent flooding and protect nearby properties, but proactive repairs aim to restore the creek’s health and habitat. As part of the plan, the City will be considering options to restore and naturalize the area. We would like to hear your comments about the bridge removal and suggestions for the future. City staff will review the feedback to determine if any further action is required. 

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Page last updated: 16 Feb 2021, 01:30 PM