Draft Skaha Lake Park East Plan ready for public review

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Penticton residents curious about work underway for the east portion of Skaha Lake Park will soon have an opportunity to share their feedback following next Tuesday’s Regular Meeting of Council.

On February 16, City staff will seek direction from Council to proceed with the third and final phase of community engagement seeking input on a proposed selection of upgraded or new park amenities including:

• completing the replacement of the marina docks;
• a refurbishment of the marina building;
• a new and expanded boathouse near the existing footprint;
• a new splash pad;
• an extension of a promenade to the marina building;
• naturalization of the riparian areas;
• and, other enhancements to trails and green space.

In addition, residents will be invited to consider new park features such as a licensed restaurant as part of the marina building, an extension of the ramp between the boathouse and the water, and an option to relocate the parking lot to increase the greenspace near the shore.

If Council approves the final round of engagement, residents can provide their feedback starting February 17 through March 7 via a combination of online and in-person activities. The draft plan, a summary of key features, a presentation and an online feedback form will be available at www.shapeyourcitypenticton.ca. Don’t have access to the Internet? Paper copies of the feedback form can be picked up at City Hall, the library and the Nautical Dog Café.

For individuals seeking answers to specific questions, two online workshops are scheduled starting February 26, between 12pm and 1pm, followed by a second workshop scheduled March 4, from 6pm to 7pm. Interested citizens can email getconnected@penticton.ca to register.

For those interested in visualizing things first hand, residents can complete a self-guided tour of the plan by following a map and signs to ten points of interest. Feedback can be shared using either a smart phone via the provided QR code on each sign or submitted using the paper version of the feedback form. Want to talk? Staff are planning to be at the Skaha Lake Tickleberries Concession from 10am to 2pm February 27 to answer questions for anyone participating on the self-guided tour.

And finally, to gain an understanding of the community’s opinion of the recommendations in the plan, the City will also survey the 4000 plus registrants belonging to the Shape Your City database.

“Similar to many of the engagement opportunities the City has organized during the current pandemic, steps have again been taken to ensure as wide a range of options are available for people to participate and share their ideas during this final round of engagement on the east end of Skaha Park,” said the City of Penticton’s Public Engagement Program Manager, JoAnne Kleb. “Be sure to contribute your input using whichever method matches your interests and availability.”

In addition to seeking direction to proceed with the final round of community engagement, staff will also seek from Council direction to complete an evaluation and analysis of the legal process and financial implications around the option for a long-term lease for the marina building and moorage. As this option, in accordance with the Park Dedication Bylaw and Park Land Protection and Use Policy, requires assent of the electors to proceed (which would be acquired during the upcoming by-election) staff are also seeking direction to prepare the necessary materials.

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