Communications and Engagement

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: Thank you for your feedback, results have now been compiled and shared with staff to inform the City's approach to communications and engagement.

The City of Penticton aims to provide you with accurate and timely information about City services and meaningful opportunities to get involved in City decisions to help you stay connected with your local government. Fill out a feedback form to tell us what is working well and what we can improve on. Completed forms will be entered to win one of three $100 gift cards. Complete the survey below or submit a paper copy, available at kiosks located in City Hall, Penticton Public Library and the Community Centre. The findings will be used to improve the communications and engagement program. Survey closes Feb. 5, 2023. Registration is required.

UPDATE: Thank you for your feedback, results have now been compiled and shared with staff to inform the City's approach to communications and engagement.

The City of Penticton aims to provide you with accurate and timely information about City services and meaningful opportunities to get involved in City decisions to help you stay connected with your local government. Fill out a feedback form to tell us what is working well and what we can improve on. Completed forms will be entered to win one of three $100 gift cards. Complete the survey below or submit a paper copy, available at kiosks located in City Hall, Penticton Public Library and the Community Centre. The findings will be used to improve the communications and engagement program. Survey closes Feb. 5, 2023. Registration is required.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The City of Penticton aims to provide you with accurate and timely information about City services and meaningful opportunities to get involved in City decisions to help you stay connected with your local government. We are currently evaluating the effectiveness of our communications and engagement activities and would like to hear from residents. Please take five minutes to complete this form and share your feedback. The form is divided into two sections – one evaluates City communications and the second evaluates City engagement. The findings will be shared and will be used to improve the communications and engagement program*.  Feedback will be accepted between Jan. 19 to Feb. 5, 2023.

    *This feedback form does not include statutory communications and advertising in support of development applications.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Communications and Engagement Feedback Form on Facebook Share Communications and Engagement Feedback Form on Twitter Share Communications and Engagement Feedback Form on Linkedin Email Communications and Engagement Feedback Form link