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Council approved the recommended Skaha Lake Marina: Request For Proposal at their meeting on Sept. 7, 2021. Staff finalized the draft RFP for Council to consider following a review by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and a recommendation to proceed at the Committee meeting on August 24, 2021. The City will now post the RFP and proponents will have approximately 12 weeks to prepare their proposals. You can view the Council Report and RFP in the Documents section.
With a review and recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at their meeting on August 24, 2021, staff have finalized the Request for Proposal for review and approval by Council at their meeting on Sept. 7, 2021. A copy of the staff report and finalize draft of the RFP can be found in the Documents folder.
The City is taking the next step in the process to secure a long-term operator to provide marina services on Skaha Lake. A draft of the Skaha Marina Request for Proposal will be introduced to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at a special meeting planned for August 24, 2021. The City is gathering feedback from the Committee on the proposal before it is finalized and reviewed with Council for a decision to proceed, expected in September. Citizens are invited to share their comments on the draft here before August 31, 2021.
Council approved the recommended Skaha Lake Park East Plan at their meeting on March 16, 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated. You can see the completed plan in the documents section. Watch for more information as the City begins to implement the plan.
Council approved the recommended Skaha Lake Marina: Request For Proposal at their meeting on Sept. 7, 2021. Staff finalized the draft RFP for Council to consider following a review by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and a recommendation to proceed at the Committee meeting on August 24, 2021. The City will now post the RFP and proponents will have approximately 12 weeks to prepare their proposals. You can view the Council Report and RFP in the Documents section.
With a review and recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at their meeting on August 24, 2021, staff have finalized the Request for Proposal for review and approval by Council at their meeting on Sept. 7, 2021. A copy of the staff report and finalize draft of the RFP can be found in the Documents folder.
The City is taking the next step in the process to secure a long-term operator to provide marina services on Skaha Lake. A draft of the Skaha Marina Request for Proposal will be introduced to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at a special meeting planned for August 24, 2021. The City is gathering feedback from the Committee on the proposal before it is finalized and reviewed with Council for a decision to proceed, expected in September. Citizens are invited to share their comments on the draft here before August 31, 2021.
Council approved the recommended Skaha Lake Park East Plan at their meeting on March 16, 2021. Thank you to everyone who participated. You can see the completed plan in the documents section. Watch for more information as the City begins to implement the plan.
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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Council approved the recommended Skaha Lake Marina: Request For Proposal at their meeting on Sept. 7, 2021. Staff finalized the draft RFP for Council to consider following a review by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and a recommendation to proceed at the Committee meeting on August 24, 2021. The City will now post the RFP and proponents will have approximately 12 weeks to prepare their proposals.
“This is another important milestone in seeing the vision for the marina in the Skaha Lake Park East Plan become reality,” said Penticton Mayor John Vassilaki. “Council appreciates the ongoing stewardship of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and the transparency involved in the process to identify a long-term operator for the Skaha Lake marina.”
The final RFP document is available at for citizens to view. The RFP includes the terms of the agreement, a description of the RFP process, submission instructions, and scoring criteria. It also describes the proposal requirements including plans for marketing, operations, maintenance, design and construction, environmental protection, financial contribution and viability, and risk mitigation and provides a template for the Management Operating Agreement.
“We’re working towards confirming the operator early in the new year and having a clear plan in place in advance of the next boating season,” said the City’s General Manager of Community Services Anthony Haddad.
The City is following its purchasing policies to conduct the selection process in an open competitive manner. The selection committee will be comprised of senior City staff and will include the Chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. The committee will also receive technical support from a marina consultant with Waters Edge Engineering based in Kelowna. Once the successful proponent is identified, a draft of the Management Operating Agreement will be reviewed publicly through the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee before it is considered or entered into by Council.
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August, 20, 2021
A draft of the Skaha Marina Request for Proposal will be introduced to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at a special meeting planned for August 24, 2021. The City is gathering feedback from the Committee on the proposal before it is finalized and reviewed with Council for a decision to proceed, expected in September.
“This is the next step in the City’s commitment to running an open and transparent process to secure a long-term operator to provide marina services on Skaha Lake,” said the City’s Community Services General Manager, Anthony Haddad. “The Committee has provided valuable guidance through the creation of the Skaha Lake Park East Plan and the recent Community Opinion question and we look forward to hearing their thoughts on the draft Request for Proposal.”
The key components of the draft RFP include full details of the services required, proposed terms of the agreement, technical information about the site, and a description of the RFP process. The draft RFP also proposes a series of criteria and weightings that will be used to score the proponents. These criteria include Financial Contribution & Viability, Proponent’s Team, Proponent’s Plan, and Benefit to the City / Community.
Citizens who are interested in viewing and commenting on the draft document can do so at Comments will be accepted through to August 31, 2021. Once the RFP is finalized and approved by Council, proponents will have about 10 to 12 weeks to prepare and submit their proposals.
“From the very start, this process has made sure the public voice is included. I’m once again pleased to see the approach staff are taking to advance this important work through more opportunities for feedback,” said Penticton Mayor, John Vassilaki.
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March 16, 2021
Following the conclusion of community engagement and public discussions that began in the fall of 2019 and finished this month with a final round of feedback on a proposed selection of upgraded and new park amenities, Penticton City Council has approved a long-term plan for the east side of Skaha Lake Park.
Key elements of the approved plan include:
completing the replacement of the marina docks;
renewal of the marina building;
an extension of a promenade to the marina building;
a new and expanded paddle boathouse near the existing footprint;
a new splash pad;
allowing for a licensed restaurant as part of the marina;
reconfiguring the parking lot and adding usable waterfront green space;
naturalization of the riparian areas; and
other enhancements to trails and green space.
The plan’s creation followed a four-step public process, with step one establishing context and ideas for the plan, step two developing and reviewing the concepts, step three reviewing the overall draft plan and step four receiving support for the plan from Council. Throughout the four step process, particular attention was given to the following seven needs:
recognizing the Indigenous relationship to the land;
aligning the plan with the Parks Master Plan;
obtaining direction for aging facilities;
gauging support for uses in the park;
improving integration for pedestrians;
addressing ecological sensitivities; and
alignment of funding.
Overall, the plan received a strong backing, with community feedback showing 81.3 per cent of the 467 feedback responders being somewhat or very supportive of the direction being taken.
“Council is pleased to see the planning process for the east side of Skaha Park come to fruition with both a document and vision that will last the park for many years to come,” said Penticton Mayor, John Vassilaki. “On behalf of Council, I would like to thank everyone who participated in the public process. Your time and ideas shaped the outcome Council supported today.”
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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Penticton residents curious about work underway for the east portion of Skaha Lake Park will soon have an opportunity to share their feedback following next Tuesday’s Regular Meeting of Council.
On February 16, City staff will seek direction from Council to proceed with the third and final phase of community engagement seeking input on a proposed selection of upgraded or new park amenities including:
• completing the replacement of the marina docks; • a refurbishment of the marina building; • a new and expanded boathouse near the existing footprint; • a new splash pad; • an extension of a promenade to the marina building; • naturalization of the riparian areas; • and, other enhancements to trails and green space.
In addition, residents will be invited to consider new park features such as a licensed restaurant as part of the marina building, an extension of the ramp between the boathouse and the water, and an option to relocate the parking lot to increase the greenspace near the shore.
If Council approves the final round of engagement, residents can provide their feedback starting February 17 through March 7 via a combination of online and in-person activities. The draft plan, a summary of key features, a presentation and an online feedback form will be available at Don’t have access to the Internet? Paper copies of the feedback form can be picked up at City Hall, the library and the Nautical Dog Café.
For individuals seeking answers to specific questions, two online workshops are scheduled starting February 26, between 12pm and 1pm, followed by a second workshop scheduled March 4, from 6pm to 7pm. Interested citizens can email to register.
For those interested in visualizing things first hand, residents can complete a self-guided tour of the plan by following a map and signs to ten points of interest. Feedback can be shared using either a smart phone via the provided QR code on each sign or submitted using the paper version of the feedback form. Want to talk? Staff are planning to be at the Skaha Lake Tickleberries Concession from 10am to 2pm February 27 to answer questions for anyone participating on the self-guided tour.
And finally, to gain an understanding of the community’s opinion of the recommendations in the plan, the City will also survey the 4000 plus registrants belonging to the Shape Your City database.
“Similar to many of the engagement opportunities the City has organized during the current pandemic, steps have again been taken to ensure as wide a range of options are available for people to participate and share their ideas during this final round of engagement on the east end of Skaha Park,” said the City of Penticton’s Public Engagement Program Manager, JoAnne Kleb. “Be sure to contribute your input using whichever method matches your interests and availability.”
In addition to seeking direction to proceed with the final round of community engagement, staff will also seek from Council direction to complete an evaluation and analysis of the legal process and financial implications around the option for a long-term lease for the marina building and moorage. As this option, in accordance with the Park Dedication Bylaw and Park Land Protection and Use Policy, requires assent of the electors to proceed (which would be acquired during the upcoming by-election) staff are also seeking direction to prepare the necessary materials.
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The City is planning a number of workshops to review the concepts for Skaha Lake Park East Plan following the winter holidays. The City is hosting three online workshops in early January to gather feedback on the concepts that were first presented this fall.
“The City has been gathering additional information to support involvement of the community and is ready to discuss the concepts with interested citizens,” said Public Engagement Program Manager JoAnne KIeb. “To ensure the sessions allow for meaningful dialogue, we are limiting participation and encourage interested citizens to register early for the online workshops.”
The online workshops will involve a combination of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members, representatives of recreation and community groups as well as members of the general public. Participants need to have an internet connection, a working camera and microphone. Citizens are invited to email to register for one of the following dates:
Community Workshop #1 will run from 6 pm to 7:30 pm on Jan. 7
Community Workshop #2 will run from 12 pm to 1:30 pm on Jan. 8
Community Workshop #3 will run from 10 am to 11:30 am on Jan. 9
Anyone not able to participate in the workshops will have the opportunity to watch the presentation at beginning January 4. Feedback will be collected through to January 13. Printed copies of all workshop materials and feedback forms will also be available at the City’s engagement kiosks at City Hall and the Library during this time.
Information gathered through this phase will be shared with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to develop a draft plan. The draft plan will be reviewed with the community before it is shared with Council for a decision anticipated this spring.
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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Residents can now view the results of the engagement activities conducted in December to gather ideas for the creation of a long-term plan for the east portion of Skaha Lake Park. The future of the east end of Skaha Lake Park, including what to do about the marina and other aging facilities, was discussed as part of two open houses held in early December, as well as online through the City’s website.
“We were very impressed with the quality of the input we received,” says Special Projects Manager Ben Johnson. “Participants clearly took the time to provide detailed and thoughtful comments that will be very helpful in shaping the plan for this area.”
Over 400 people attended the open houses and 240 completed the feedback forms. Some of the themes from the engagement activities include:
The most beloved feature of the park is the green space and natural environment. Participants also love the beach and lake, the walking paths, the family setting, the dragon boating and outrigger canoeing, and the play area and splash park.
For many participants, the park is perfect in its current state. They are supportive of the amenities and activities that are currently in the park and would like to see them continue. There is also interest in seeing improvements to the dragon boat and canoeing facilities, the safety of the lake through separation of motorized and non-motorized vehicles, and the availability of restaurant and food services.
Participants in the engagement activities were also invited to share their feedback on some of the ideas being considered to address the needs and opportunities in this section of the park, including several that were put forward by resident Peter Osborne on behalf of local parks groups. With the exception of reducing or reconfiguring parking to increase greenspace, all of the ideas received were well supported. In order of support from largest to small, the ideas include:
Continue to offer beach vending (i.e. concessions)* (82.3% support)
Renew the splash pad / spray park* (75.6% support)
Rebuild a boat house for dragon boats / outrigger canoes* (74.2% support)
Continue to have a café associated with the marina* (74% support)
Continue to offer a marina with boat rentals, moorage and fuel sales* (67.1% support)
Add a “green” pedestrian connection along the waterfront* (55.7% support)
Expand food/drink offerings at the marina (i.e. restaurant / pub) (53.4% support)
Add a 150’ wharf to separate motorized / and non-motorized watercraft* (50.4% support)
Reconfigure or reduce parking to increase greenspace* (27.1% support)
Some of the new ideas that surfaced through the engagement process include interest in:
A dog park or dog beach
More community events
Cycling infrastructure (i.e. secure storage and water bottle stations)
Outdoor ice rink
Environmental and cultural interpretive centre
Staff are now analyzing the results and working on concepts to review with residents in the next phase of engagement. The complete results are available at and are on display at the City’s new engagement kiosks located at the Community Centre, City Hall and the Museum / Library lobby. The results will also be reviewed with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee at their next meeting on Feb. 3.
“I was pleased to hear there was such a good turnout to discuss this important topic,” says Mayor John Vassilaki. “Council is looking forward to hearing what people have to say and seeing how this work evolves.” Residents are encouraged to register with to stay informed.
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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
At its upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting, scheduled for November 19, Penticton City Council will receive a presentation from staff outlining the planning and public engagement process to create a plan for the east portion of Skaha Park.
“When looking at the entire park, City staff and several key stakeholders now hold the common view that any long-term planning for Skaha Park should focus on the east side,” said Acting Director of Development Services, Ben Johnson. “Much of the park is functioning well and is in good condition, however there are challenges and opportunities to explore in this part of the park, including the need for a long-term vision for the marina, aging facilities like the spray park and boat house, a desire to improve walking connections between areas of the park, and beach erosion concerns.”
Planning for the park’s future will build on directions in the 2018 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and will be informed through a public engagement process. This process will involve stakeholders and the community in the development of a vision and plan, gather their views on commercial uses like the marina, and create an opportunity for residents to be involved in identifying priorities for the east part of the park. Ideas from a recent citizen-led park design process will also be incorporated into the engagement and planning for the park.
“We’re pleased that the City has narrowed the focus of the plan to address the pressing needs of this unique east section of the park and are delighted that the concept that we have created through many discussions with stakeholders and residents is going to be integrated into their work,” says Peter Osborne, a Penticton resident who led the development of a concept for the park.
“Council is looking forward to receiving the presentation staff have prepared outlining the process by which a much needed plan for the east side of Skaha Park will be created with the public’s involvement,” said Penticton Mayor, John Vassilaki.
Skaha Lake Park - East Plan has finished this stage
Raise awareness and gather input from the community including People’s Concept. Research technical options. Meet with key stakeholders to understand the needs, opportunities and impacts.
Step 2 - Concepts Development & Review
Skaha Lake Park - East Plan has finished this stage
Compile the findings, prepare concepts featuring a range of options and preliminary technical and financial analysis (costs and funding options)
Step 3 - Draft Plan & Review
Skaha Lake Park - East Plan has finished this stage
Review the feedback on the concepts and prepare a draft plan for review with the community.
Step 4 - Final Plan & Council Decision
Skaha Lake Park - East Plan is currently at this stage
Finalize plan based on feedback in Step 3 and share with PRAC and Council for a recommendation.